Condensation is responsible for causing vast amounts of damage to blocks of flats all over the country. Condensation if left uncontrolled can cause mould around windows frames but can be as severe as from floor to ceiling over the walls. Not only is this potentially harmful to your health but is doesn’t do anything for the health of your flat or the block.

Air contains water vapour and warm airs hold more water than cold. Condensation happens when warm, moist air hits cooler surfaces. The warm air can then no longer hold the same amount of moisture (as its cooler) and there you have the condensation that runs down your windows.

ARMA have worked out that a five-person household for example produces about 10 kg of airborne water each day:

• Breathing (asleep) 0.3 kg

• Breathing (awake) 0.85 kg

• Cooking 3.0 kg

• Personal washing 1.0 kg

• Washing and drying clothes 5.5 kg

• Heating — especially paraffin and flueless gas heaters. For every litre of paraffin burnt, over one litre of moisture vaporises into the air. Even carbon fuel produces some water from combustion (1 kg of vapour equates to about 1 litre).

Condensation is made worse by lack of ventilation either by open windows or airbricks. To improve the situation you can, increase ventilation. Keep your windows open where safe and possible to do so. Have airbricks (with your Freeholders consent) installed or make sure you use extractor fans (if permitted) in the bathroom after showers/baths. Increasing insulation and maintaining consistent heat will also aid a condensation issue.

A big no-no is drying your washing inside if you have a condensation issue or leaving the bathroom window closed after a hot and steamy shower.

For more information on ‘block’ issues call the Property Fusion team on 01273-917790.


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